With a foundation of social skills firmly in place, first grade delves deeper into the academics of reading and math.
Using common core as a guide, our first graders begin learning more complex math and reading skills.
Find out more about our exemplary first grade teachers.
2024-2025 School Supplies
The brand names listed are recommended.
1 - school box (SMALL plastic)
1 - backpack (no wheels, please)
1 - pair scissors (Fiskar brand)
24 - No. 2 Ticonderoga pencils sharpened (no names please)
3 - box 24 Crayola crayons standard colors
1- highlighter
2 - black Expo dry erase markers - broad tip
1 - red plastic pocket folder (no prongs)
1- yellow plastic pocket folder (no prongs)
1- blue plastic pocket folder (no prongs)
2 - large pink eraser and 1 package of pencil top erasers
12 - glue sticks (Elmer's brand, no glitter or scented)
1 - box Washable Crayola basic color markers (thick)
1 - composite notebook—wide rule
1 - paint shirt
1- headphones to stay at school with plug in
1 - box Kleenex
Girls—1 Clorox wipes or baby wipes
Boys— Ziplock bags (quart or gallon size)
Broad tip markers (ART)
Crayola watercolor paint (ART)
All supplies should be replaced as needed. Please mark all items with student’s name before bringing to school, except for pencils and eraser caps.

Stay on top of current grades and see report cards through Skyward.