At Maroa-Forsyth Grade School, our kindergarten classes are excited to begin their educational journey.
Timeline for 2024-2025
Mon., July 1st -Wed., July 31st | Online Registration
After screenings, all kindergarten students will be entered into our Skyward computer program. As we put them in the computer, you will receive an email to login and create your password. On July 1st, we will open online registration. For all students who have gone through screenings, parents will need to login and complete the online registration to complete enrollment. Go to www.mfschools.net, click on grade school in upper left corner, click on “family access” in upper right corner, then click on “access my account.” If you have trouble logging in, please email marsha.stelzriede@mfschools.net or angela.crowe@mfschools.net.
Thursday, August 15th - 5:15 pm | Kindergarten Orientation
Parents and students will come to meet the teacher, bring supplies, and explore the building. Presentation by the teacher starting at 5:15 pm
Friday, August 16th
No school for Kindergarten Students - Screenings for new students to the District
Monday, August 19th
Students with last names beginning with A-M will have all day Kindergarten. Buses will run for these students. (No class for Kindergarteners with last name N-Z)
Tuesday, August 20th
Students with last names beginning with N-Z will have all day Kindergarten. Buses will run for these students. (No class for Kindergarteners with last name A-M)
Wednesday, August 21st
All Kindergarten students Full Day of Attendance
Meet all of our awesome kindergarten teachers.
2024-2025 School Supplies
The brand names listed are recommended. Please feel free to substitute. In Kindergarten we mostly share supplies. There is no need to label supplies. We will label what needs to be labeled at school.
- 3 - boxes of 8 small crayons and 2 boxes of 24 small crayons (please no jumbo crayons)
- 1 - box large Crayola markers – primary colors
- 12 - regular size pre-sharpened pencils
- 12 - Elmers glue sticks
- 1- bottle of Elmers Glue (for art class)
- 1- black permanent fine tip Sharpie (for art class)
- 1 - pink pearl eraser
- 1 - yellow highlighter
- 1 - pair of metal Fiskar rounded tip scissors
- 1 - 5” X 8” plastic plain “Spacemaker” school box (We will glue a label on top)
- 1 - 2 pocket plastic folder
- 1 - box of Prang watercolor paints w/good paintbrush
- 1 – Clipboard
- 1 - 4 thin expo markers
- 1 - box of gallon-sized baggies (A-M last names)
- 1- package of baby wipes (A-M last names)
- 1 - package of Clorox wipes (N-Z last names)
- 1 - box of quart-sized baggies (N-Z last names)
- 1- 1 box of Kleenex
- 1 - headphones (NOT earbuds)
- 1 - baggie of extra clothes to keep in your child's locker
- 1 - large T-shirt for art work (adult size)
- 1 - large backpack to carry back and forth to school each day. No wheels, please. It should be large enough to carry their folder without bending. Zipper styles work best.

Stay on top of current grades and see report cards through Skyward.