Christopher Weisenborn

Middle & High School Choirs, Music Appreciation, Middle & High School Musical Director

Meet Christopher

Extracurricular Duties

Middle and High School Musical Director

Years Teaching

17 years

Years at MFHS

17 years


  • Bachelor of Music in Music Education (Millikin University)
  • Masters in Music Education (Illinois State University)

Personal Background

Mr. Weisenborn is thrilled to be the MS/HS Choral Director for the Maroa-Forsyth School District. As an active pianist and music director, Mr. Weisenborn is sought after to play or direct many community and other theatre productions.

Mr. Weisenborn also served as the Director of the Decatur Park Singers from 2011-2013.

He is the current District 5 President for the Illinois Music Educators Association.

When not performing, Mr. Weisenborn likes to spend time with family (especially his nephew and niece), as well as catching as many musicals as possible!

You can't change the past, but you can change your future.